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CCC Industrial Engineering was created in 2019 according to market demands to form a team of workers and engineers for the needs of the most complex repair challenges.
Our company is characterized by speed of response, quality of equipment and manpower, energy of young workers with extensive experience in previous jobs, desire for new challenging jobs.
For the first 2 years we have established good business contacts with clients: Zijin Bor, Zijin Majdanpek, Cementare Titan, CRH and Lafarge, Ball Packaging, Teko Mining Mines, Nikola Tesla Thermal Power Plant, Helenik and Sunoko Sugar Factories, Paper Factory
Smurfit kappa. In addition to the stated needs for our services, they have also found large world manufacturers of equipment such as
FLSmidth, Metco, Weir …
Now we can offer clients a wide range of services, namely: